The Dog handler courses are SASSETA accredited. It is NQF Based (National Qualifications Framework), which means it is Internationally Recognized.
We do DH1-DH5 (Dog Handler) with Tracking and Detection.
It can be PSIRA RPL’ed if needed.
Security Guard training
Our SASSETA Skills Program 1 ,2 and 3 are equal to PSIRA Security Grade E, D and C. And can also be RPL’ed if a PSIRA Certificate is needed.
The minimum standard for a dog to work on site is DH2. A dog who is DH2 certified needs to be handled by a DH2 certified handler. The same with a DH4 and DH5 dog, to be handled by the same level certified handler.
Tackle Hoff K9 can also train your guards on SASSETA DH1 (Dog Handler) up to DH5.
This dog handler course is SASSETA Registered. It is (NQF level) National Qualifications Framework based, which means that it is Internationally recognized.
The training is outcomes based, so a learner will be assessed on his/her ability to perform a given task/ or skill at the end of the course. A person must at least have a Grade 8 Certificate to enroll for the Dog handler courses.
The course cost can also be fully claimed back by Discretionary Grants. This course is for the experienced and unexperienced dog handler. A person who has enough experience with dog handling, but needs to put his knowledge to a certificate can apply for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning).
This course can also be RPL’ed to obtain a PSIRA certificate (if needed) also.
DH1 Care for a service dog
Scope of the program: (after completion you will be able to:)
-Provide care for the elementary needs of the service dog in a given situation.
-Apply safety precautions when working with service dogs in a given situation.
-Transport service dogs in a given situation
-Inspect the condition of the service dog in a given situation.
(3 days)
Unit standard 243188
NQF Level 3
15 Credits
DH2 Handle a trained service dog to deter crime
Scope of the program:
-Prepare for duty with a trained service dog
-Perform duties using a trained service dog
-Conclude duties
(3 days)
Unit standard 243190
NQF Level 3
8 Credits
DH3 Supervise kennel practices
Scope of the program:
-Plan and co-ordinate kennel practices
-Supervise personnel and administration systems
-Demonstrate an understanding of behavior of dogs
-Supervise service dogs in a kennel
(3 days)
Unit Standard 243196
NQF Level 4
15 Credits
DH4 Handle a patrol dog to assist in searching for and the apprehension of a suspect
Scope of the program:
-Determine the need to utilize a patrol dog
-Utilize a patrol dog to apprehend the suspect
-Arrest the suspect with the aid of a patrol dog
(3 days)
Unit Standard 120463
NQF Level 4
15 Credits
DH5 Utilize a tracker dog to follow a human scent trail
Scope of the program:
-Assess the crime scene for possible tracks, to provide scent to a tracker dog.
-Prepare the tracker dog to follow the identified human track
-Utilize the dog to follow the scent track of a human trail to apprehend or locate the person linked to the scent
-Locate and identify the suspect and or evidence on the human scent trail that was followed.
(5 days)
Unit Standard 120465
NQF Level 4
15 Credits
DH5 Handle a trained sniffer dog to assist in the detection of substances
Scope of the program:
-Apply current legislation pertaining to substance detection discipline
-Conduct a search for substances with the aid of a trained sniffer dog
-Identify and handle substances indicated by the sniffer dog on a structured scenario
(10 days)
Unit Standard 120461
NQF Level 4
15 Credits
Accommodation is available for students.
Tackle Hoff K9 can also train your guards on SASSETA Skills program 1,2 and 3. Which is equivalent to PSIRA Grade E, D, C. The Skills Program 1,2 & 3 can be RPL’ed to acquire a PSIRA Grade C
246694 244177 244184 244176 244179 244181 244182 12484 116534 | Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider Conduct a security patrol in area of responsibility Apply legal aspects in a security environment Use security equipment Handle complaints and problems Perform hand over and take over responsibilities Give evidence in court Perform basic fire fighting Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace |
244189 242825 11505 117705 *113924 119465 *114979 | Conduct access and egress control Conduct evacuations and emergency drills Identify, handle and defuse security related conflict Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts Operate a computer workstation in a business environment |
113909 13912 *244578 113852 *13936 *119472 *11508 | Coach a team member to enhance individual performance Apply knowledge to develop a plan to enhance team performance Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event Apply occupational health, safety and environmental principles Outline the legal environment of a selected industry Accommodate audience needs in oral/signed Communication Write security reports and take statements |
* Unit Standard modules NOT included in SAQA National Certificate: General Security Practices
Tackle Hoff K9 is your trusted partner in canine solutions. We provide top-quality security and training services for dogs.